ts benefits are not only numerous, but also measurable. In addition, trigger marketing optimizes your customer relationship management (CRM). It also amplifies your firepower by boosting customer conversion rate and improving brand awareness.
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Here are 3 of its advantages, among the most telling with regard to trigger marketing.
The speed of trigger marketing is precious
Automating your mailings and emails is a considerable time saver. In this sense, trigger marketing is a major ally in customer relations. In fact, its ability to react quickly to consumer behavior remains its main benefit. Thus, the time you have saved can be redistributed in other segments of your activity!
In itself, this marketing practice knows how to intervene at the right time, in the right place, and in the right way. For example, catboats are recognized as being particularly powerful conversion tools! Here are some statistics to support this point (source: DigitalSignageToday.com):
- Engagement rate : increases of up to 90% for structures using it
- Sales : systematic increases, up to +67% of sales
- General opinion : 57% of companies believe that catboats bring a good return on investment
Ideal for converting and retaining customers
Contacting your customers by following a trigger marketing strategy boosts customer conversion. The best ghostwriters for hire practice greatly reduces the risk of losing leads. In the end, you increase your sales, and your marketing efforts are more relevant and personalized.
In addition, triggers promote the re-engagement of your current customers:
- Trust : consumers feel more connected to your brand
- Better customer experience : it is facilitated by the various trigger marketing operations
- Optimized satisfaction and loyalty : your customers are aware of the marketing efforts undertaken to better meet their needs
Personalized communications are more memorable and bring the brand closer to the customer. This concept is of paramount importance. Indeed, we know that the positive memories left by brands reinforce the consumer’s familiarity with them. Consequently, it leads to a positive impact on their attitudes and brand preferences (Mantonakis et al., 2008).
Brand awareness is growing
Satisfied customers will buy more and more often. Along with direct sales, brand awareness and word-of-mouth are essential parts of any trigger marketing strategy. Thus, the logical sequence of triggers is to cultivate advocacy marketing around your brand. In this way, you ensure that your customers pass on their good customer experience to their loved ones.
The good habit is to consider all of its prospects as if they were convinced customers. Effectively, a non-converting visitor will have an excellent perception of your company as soon as he feels treated correctly. Therefore, he will be more inclined to come back to you once he wants to make a purchase.
4 steps to properly address trigger marketing
Once the advantages of triggers have been well integrated, the time has now come to the strategic aspect. How to set up a good trigger marketing strategy? What targets to target and when? All the answers can be found below, here are 6 strategic tips regarding this marketing approach:
Welcome the prospect
The basic trigger is the welcome message. Very simple to design, it is nevertheless essential to increase the conversion rate. This automated message fits perfectly with a new registration on your site.
Start this new relationship between you and the new user well: he must feel welcome. A good application of the principles of relational marketing, a polite and benevolent tone, and voila!
Facilitate the customer journey
Impactful triggers are designed to integrate well with the conversion path of your consumers. To do this, nothing rocket science: you have to personalize the messages at each stage of conversion.
In the case of a page with a high conversion rate, focus your trigger marketing efforts precisely there! For example, for people who haven’t taken any action on your site, give preference to welcome emails. This way, you can explain to them how to create an account, compare products, benefit from discounts, etc.
Keep in touch
The first discussion is essential, it determines the basis of the relationship with your prospects. However, the post-purchase stage is at least as important. Online, consumers are worried: reassure them as soon as possible!
This is why it is necessary to use all the best book publishers possible tricks to maintain contact, even after the purchase. Here are some examples of trigger marketing operations in this direction:
- Solicit Google reviews: regarding the quality of the product/service, their customer experience, their recommendations, etc.
- Plan surveys: “What can we improve to provide better service?” » Don’t forget to include a coupon to accompany the survey participation.
- Delivery of the order: communicate with the customer, give him a probable delivery date, ensure that the package has been received, etc.
Reward loyalty
As a general rule, acquiring a new customer is far less profitable than retaining one. Although this principle varies depending on the type of offer, it is nonetheless true.
To retain your customers, do not hesitate to send them vouchers, or even to wish them a happy birthday. In this sense, you must also inform them about future promotions available on your platform.